Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

central computer

Imagine going to sleep for many decades and when you wake up, most of all his friends dead and you missed a large part of human history. When you return to the place where she had lived, everything changed. You do not know how to handle the new aircraft flight, which naturally lead themselves, and continue with your knowledge, training, experience and career are basically redundant.

If you think this scenario is hypothetical, think again, as a human science is almost 2-3 years will be quite possible. Well, you can not have too much concern for psychologists, but if you think that suicide rates are very difficult for returning soldiers, so when you return from sleep and has no friends, very small family and grandchildren whose parents never knew, and whose grandparents were just babies in the audit.

Why do you volunteer for a long-term dream?

Well, if you travel to a distant solar system, or another solar system and back to sleep in both directions during the trip? What if you had a disease and scientists have not discovered the cure and once woke up about 50,000 of you all with the same disease and healing and the company to be!

Because not enough psychologists now use avatars and computer systems. This speaks to a virtual friend, rather than a real person to help them with their psychological trauma, or adjust to the society.

Some thoughts are not allowed, and re-set to help but let his friends think of your avatar, and can be just as much as you want, but are not willing to deal with ordinary human, however, because it uses all the normal human be to know what changed, everything changed.

The world has changed since he left.

Indeed, anyone who wakes up under suicide watch, and his thoughts can be checked in case it hurt, then all thoughts to share with your avatar goes to a central computer. If you start thinking about the idea that the government appears at your door to protect themselves by taking a certain distance. Well, now you get 100% perfectly healthy and young, you have a new energy and feel good, even if you’re just in a happy moment, but disturbing.

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the following

One of the things that initially surprised me when I bought my first telescope, the company was apparent from visual and real (or actual) field.

If you look through his telescope, is the area of ​​sky they see as the real (or real) field. The field of view (FOV) of the telescope is determined by the design of the telescope eyepiece.

To calculate the field you must first find the value of the field. Each eye has its own value of the field, provided by the manufacturer of the eye.

Next, calculate the magnification. To do this, divide the focal length value of the telescope by the focal length of the eyepiece. For example, if your telescope has a focal length of 650 mm (that is the case of a Sky-Watcher Explorer 130 P) and the eyepiece has a focal length of 10mm, the magnification of your telescope 650/10 = 65.

Finally, the apparent field divided by the increase in the actual field / get real. For example, if the eyepiece has an apparent field of 50 degrees and a magnification of 65X, the current field of view 50 degrees / 65X = 0.77 degrees.

If the eyepiece has an apparent field of 55 degrees and a magnification of 65X, the current FOV is equal to 55 degrees / 65X = 0.85 degrees.

Therefore, the larger the apparent field of view, the greater the actual field / real. Note also that the reduction increases, a wider angle to get further increases.

If you do not know what the apparent field eyepiece, you can estimate the actual field / property using the following formula:


Therefore, for the example above, we 42/65 = 0.65 degrees.

This is only an estimate, but good enough, you get an idea of ​​how much of heaven will try to get through one eyepiece of the telescope.

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No one can precisely predict the future, futuristic 100% of the time. In fact, today it seems that the future of world society futuristic training of members, less ambiguous in their statements, so the interpretation, nor to shake the boat too politically correct. Oh, and then people like Arthur C. Clarke and Ray Kurzweil CALIB Carr to a giant text. The reason why so many futuristic technologies, so that Arthur C. Clarke ‘s science fiction, and because people who read his books, I think could be done to be and went and did it, the Iridium satellite communication system is only one. CALIB C. Carr, wrote a hand-held DNA, but this technology is to be here.

Ray Kurzweil seems one or two things about the technology, and involved in the composition of project teams and creating his futuristic knowledge ultimately is already prepared for the speech recognition and other current technologies that are already configured to use – can anyone better spent her money while he began to predict the future? Now this brings me to my main point here, something I learned long ago, a revolution in the industry before retirement, I was, and that is;

“It’s easy to predict the future, if you are the one who makes an invention, creation, innovation or marketing of the future projects.”

To sit back and predicting trends is a very nice, damn use to death, but best of all futurists futurists can not even be mentioned. They can be considered as researchers, scientists, engineers, inventors, innovators, entrepreneurs, or even industrial capitalists.

The moral is cautious, whose futuristic predictions to take to heart. In fact, I hope, read this and think about it. If you want to predict the future, stop delaying and start making that happens, you will know in advance how it begins to develop.

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the right results

Not long ago, in conversation with an expert in climate research, the study has several years of the 28th Ambient temperature rises from the earth, and a theory, he sailed a long time ago, probably early 80s years, not “the real reason the earth around the sun red” Come on, that’s an interesting theory, -. First, although we (humanity), the removal of earth have been studying the sun, I’m not going to school at any reasonable time (10,000 years, for example) will probably change in the production of solar energy with distance, which can cycles of only 100s, 1000, 10000s, 100000s, have millions and millions of 10s, 100s of millions or billions of years, and we know about empirical evidence. We know that the tracks may vary according to the energy of the electrons of an atom is something like this.

My knowledge of this “greenhouse effect much in the summer, but no sense in the winter, and if something makes sense, as a rule the true orbital decay theory makes sense in the summer. And in the winter [in this respect].” Well, of course, that the theory is fun, perhaps even a conspiracy theory, because if so, then, of course, NASA would like to know about it, but they are, we will warn all the right results? Well, if they knew and did not want to scare our human populations in a frenzy?

My knowledge of what happened, “this summer is not enough light (heat) trapped gases from the sun.”

Okay, so the ratio is interesting, it is not, however, although the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of interest may be affected by something else, possibly reducing atmosphere, such as percent more greenhouse gases, so that the removal of the data. Note also that greenhouse gases can not increase for the life on the planet badly, in fact, they are good, so this is positive Realty.

Heating times are good for the life of ice ages, well, if you use one, not to live so well.

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